The Political Economy of the Middle Income Trap (with Steve Haber and Alex Lee)
Ranked Choice Voting, the Primaries System, and Political Extremism: Theory and Simulations (with Rohan Cherivirala, Robin Truax, and Karsen Wahal)
Slavery, Politics, and Causality (with Matt Blackwell and Maya Sen)
Building Trust in Government: The Opportunities and Challenges of Adverse Shocks (with Edoardo Grillo and Harry Pei)
Asymmetries in Cricket: The Effects of Winning the Toss on Winning the Match (with Apoorva Lal, Derek Willis and Gaurav Sood) [Nontechnical Summary]
Published and Forthcoming
Selective Exposure and Political Competition (with Peter Buisseret, Adam Meirowitz and Floyd Zhang) accepted at the Journal of Politics.
Political Accountability under Moral Hazard (with Elliot Lipnowski and João Ramos) accepted at the American Journal of Political Science.
Electoral Campaigns as Dynamic Contests (with Edoardo Grillo, Takuo Sugaya and Eray Turkel) [formerly titled Dynamic Campaign Spending] accepted at the Journal of the European Economic Association. [Supplemental Appendix] [Replication]
Historical Persistence (with Matt Blackwell and Maya Sen), in Jeff Jenkins and Jared Rubin (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Historical Political Economy, Oxford University Press, January 2023.
Equality of Opportunity as a Measure of Development (with John Roemer), in Swarnim Waglé and Kanni Wignaraja (eds.), The Great Upheaval: Resetting Development Policy and Institutions for the Decade of Action in Asia and the Pacific, Cambridge University Press, July 2022.
Paths to the Frontier (with Juan Ortner), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Vol. 14, February 2022, pp. 30-69.
Combining Outcome-Based and Preference-Based Matching: A Constrained Priority Mechanism (with Kirk Bansak and Jens Hainmueller), Political Analysis, Vol. 30, January 2022, pp. 89-112 (winner of the 2020 Gosnell Prize for Excellence in Political Methodology). [Published Version] [Replication]
Security in the Absence of a State: Traditional Authority, Livestock Trading and Maritime Piracy in Northern Somalia (with Robin Harding and Andy Harris), Journal of Theoretical Politics, Vol. 32, October 2020, pp. 497-537 (winner of the 2022 Elinor Ostrom Award for Best Article Published in the Journal of Theoretical Politics). [Replication]
Path Dependence in European Development: Medieval Politics, Conflict and State Building (with Alex Lee), Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 52, December 2019, pp. 2171-2206. [Supplemental Information] [Replication]
A Behavioral Foundation for Audience Costs (with Edoardo Grillo), Quarterly Journal of Political Science, Vol. 14, April 2019, pp. 159-90.
Economic Foundations of the Territorial State System (with Alex Lee), American Journal of Political Science, Volume 62, October 2018, pp. 954-66. [Supplemental Appendix]
Analyzing Causal Mechanisms in Survey Experiments (with Matt Blackwell and Maya Sen), Political Analysis, Volume 26, October 2018, pp. 357-78. [Replication]
Sons of the Soil: A Model of Assimilation and Population Control (with David Laitin and Anna Zhang), Journal of Theoretical Politics, Volume 30, April 2018, pp. 184-223.
Explaining Preferences from Behavior: A Cognitive Dissonance Approach (with Matt Blackwell and Maya Sen), Journal of Politics, Volume 80, April 2018, pp. 400-411. [Online Appendix]
Progressive Learning (with Juan Ortner), Econometrica, Volume 85, November 2017, pp. 1965-1990. [Supplemental Appendix]
Sincere Voting in Large Elections (with Adam Meirowitz), Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 101, January 2017, pp. 121-131.
Information Aggregation Failure in a Model of Social Mobility, Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 100, November 2016, pp. 257-272. [Older version called Equilibrium False Consciousness]
Explaining Causal Findings without Bias: Detecting and Assessing Direct Effects (with Matt Blackwell and Maya Sen), American Political Science Review, Volume 110, August 2016, pp. 512-529. [Supplemental Information] [Replication] [DirectEffects R Package]
The Political Legacy of American Slavery (with Matt Blackwell and Maya Sen), Journal of Politics, Volume 78, July 2016, pp. 621-641 (lead article; winner of the 2016 Joseph L. Bernd Best JOP Paper Award). [Supplemental Information] [Replication]
Caste Politics, Corruption and Distribution in India (with John Roemer and Rohini Somanathan), Research in Economics, Volume 69, September 2015, pp. 336-352.
War with Crazy Types (with Edoardo Grillo), Political Science Research and Methods, Volume 3, May 2015, pp. 281-307. [Blog Post]
Multidimensional Poverty with Missing Attributes (with John Roemer), Economics Letters, Volume 130, May 2015, pp. 51-55.
Delays and Partial Agreements in Multi-Issue Bargaining (with Juan Ortner), Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 148, September 2013, pp. 2150-2163. [Older Version with More Results]
The Calculus of the Security Dilemma (with Kris Ramsay), Quarterly Journal of Political Science, Volume 8, April 2013, pp. 183-203.
The Maoist Insurgency in Nepal and the Political Economy of Violence, in M. Lawoti and A. Pahari (eds.), The Maoist Insurgency in Nepal: Revolution in the 21st Century, London: Routledge, 2010. [Data File]