Polisci 153 - Strategy: An Introduction to Game Theory
Cooperation, coordination and competition
Credibility and commitment
Long term relationships: cheating and punishing
Uncertain motivations, moral hazard, and adverse selection
Deception, signaling, and reputation
Math Camp Background Material in Formal Theory
Deterministic, risky and uncertain choice
Knowledge and information
Preference and information aggregation
Polisci 356a - Formal Theory I
Complete and perfect information game theory
Applications: The Hoteling model, contest theory, the tragedy of the commons
Applications: Probabilistic voting, the citizen candidate model
Applications: Collective action problems, strategic substitutes and complements
Bargaining theory, repeated games, timing games
Evolutionary games and dynamics
Bounded rationality, exotic preferences, and non-equilibrium models
Polisci 356b - Formal Theory II
Asymmetric information game theory
Purification, the email game, global games, signaling
Applications: strategic voting, mass action, cheap talk, reputation
Games with hidden actions
Principal-agent theory, political accountability
Psychological games, optimal experimentation, and model uncertainty
Biased belief updating: confirmation bias and motivated reasoning